
As we do every summer, we’ve put Skype lessons on hold so that we can better deal with the rush of students coming to study at our Japanese schools in Tokyo and Fukuoka. This year, however, we’ve decided to stop offering Skype lessons ourselves, for the near future at least. This is partly because the ever-growing number of students at our schools themselves means we don’t always have enough teachers available to teach Skype classes, and partly because our Skype lesson coordinator, Miki-sensei, has taken ill recently and will be out for a while. Where possible, we’ve arranged alternate online lessons for ongoing students. For students who still have outstanding Skype lesson credit, we’re working with Japanese Online Institute (JOI), a Fukuoka-based provider with many years of experience in teaching Japanese online. We chose them because their lessons are high quality, their schedule is flexible, and the cost is not too high. We’re happy to recommend them to all students who want to continue their study after going back home!
If you have online lesson credit with us that you would like to use up, email us and we’ll tell you how to claim those lessons with JOI. Looking forward to a wonderful summer!