
You’ll hear nothing but music in Tenjin for 2 days! The biggest music festival in Fukuoka is coming soon…
“Music City Tenjin (MCT)” is held on the 14th and 15th of October, and about 300 professional and amateur musicians perform at various places in Tenjin.
Events for the festival will be held in about 40 places, but one of the most remarkable events is the one called “Street Stage”. You can see performances of 40 select professional musicians FREE! A main stage will be located in front of Fukuoka City Hall.
There’s one other event we’d like to mention, called “Floor Circuit”. Once you buy a ticket (Adv: 1500 yen, Day: 2000yen), you can make the rounds of 8 concert venues. Not bar hopping this time but live house hopping!
Besides these, many places have free performances by lots of local musicians. You may find artists from famous bands performing solo, so it’s a great chance to catch the other sides of them!
Concert sites included unique places such as 博多百年蔵 (Hakata Hyakunen Gura, a famous sake brewery) and a famous live music house 照和 (Shoowa) which has turned out many great musicians.
It is a good chance to get to know or explore the Japanese music scene.
Why don’t you drown yourself in pleasant autumn music waves?
For more info: MCT official website
(This blog entry by Mika-sensei, our resident music expert.)