| One of the most fun ‘features’ of the Japanese language is how foreign words are mangled to fit the limited Japanese sound-set. For example, McDonalds becomes マクドナルド (Makudonarudo, 6…
| We at GenkiJACS think Japanese is an easy language to learn to speak. (Reading and writing are a different matter, though!) Here are the reasons why. (I’ts long! I’d…
| We’re all for freedom of information at GenkiJACS. We want you to have a good idea about what studying with us is really like before you take the plunge…
| It’s often frustrating for learners of the Japanese language when they can’t express themselves clearly because they don’t know a specific word. However, it can be even more frustrating…
| From September 23 till December 2 (the day before the test itself), GenkiJACS will be running a weekly preparation course for level 3 of the JLPT. The teachers have…
| The Japanese Olympic Committee finally made up their collective mind yesterday to put Tokyo, not Fukuoka, forward as Japan’s contestant for the coveted 2016 Olympics. A sad day for…
| We’re a little behind the times on this one, but Fukuoka was recently selected by Newsweek International Edition as one of the world’s top “boom towns”, which sounds exciting…
| July/August is the season for new JET Programme participants to arrive in Japan, and this year there are scheduled to be more than 1,500 of them coming! At least…
| Google seems to like us! For some reason, we’re ranked very highly for some topics that we probably shouldn’t be… Here’s a quick sampling. (All results current as of…
| Details are already up on the accommodation pages of our site, but we though it might be good to mention here too that we’ve recently acquired the use of…