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About Classes at Genkijacs

Rolling start

Our Japanese language school works on a rolling start basis, meaning we have several ongoing classes studying different points in the curriculum at any time. When new students join on Monday, they fall into the class studying material that is closest to their level.

Study speed

Everyone studies at their own pace. We do not recommend rushing to finish a level. We want to make sure you have a really good grasp of the subject being studied. As we are focused on real Japanese conversational ability, we also believe your aptitude to naturally use the language in a conversation is crucial.

Class placement

When you arrive at GenkiJACS, you are placed into the ongoing class that is most appropriate for you. Your placement is decided based on the results of your online level check test, and the results of the placement test and interview held on your first day at school.

At Genki, we believe you can't learn a language using only a textbook. You need to feel it, to use it, to live it. That's why we focus not only on teaching you the basics of grammar, but also on how to live in Japan and communicate with real Japanese people.

Teaching Method

Japanese language classes at GenkiJACS consist of two main sections: an input session, and an output session. What do we mean by input and output?

INPUT session : "G" (Grammar)

Your input session is called the "G" session (short for "Grammar").

Input" basically means "putting" things "in"to your head. You will learn new grammar, sentence structures, words, kanji, and how to apply these concepts when you speak and get spoken to.

This section usually forms one half of your study day, so the amount of new knowledge that you take in can be quite intense!

Not to worry, though! Once you have learned the new content in class, teachers will give you some homework to reinforce all your new knowledge and make sure you really understood what was taught.

output session: "4S" (Four skills)

This is where the fun stuff happens! When you come to school the next day, your first session will be the output session. Here, you will apply the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

This is where you will apply all of the grammar, new words, sentence structures, kanji and so on you learned the day before in real-world situations.

Teachers will pair you up with your classmates to practise conversation in fun roleplay situations. You'll get to do listening excercises, read interesting articles not included in our textbooks, and even prepare a presentation for your class!

If you're extra lucky, you might even get to go on an out-lesson where you'll get to use your new Japanese on actual Japanese people in the real world...


Daily lesson setup

Usually, your second session of the day will be an input/grammar session, where you learn new grammar, vocabulary etc. Then, your first session of the following day will be an output/four-skills session, where you practise all the things you learned the previous day.

From Beginner 0-2 level, you will have all of your four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in every output session. At Pre-intermediate and above level, these will be split into one langauge skill per day, for example, conversation practise on Monday, Kanji on Tuesday, listening on Wednesday, etc.

Example beginner 0-2 lesson setup

Session Type   Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
100 min
1   Output Output
2   Output Output
100 min
1 Input Input Input
2 Input Input Input
After school: Homework Homework Homework

Example pre-intermediate & above lesson setup

Session Type   Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
100 min
1 Output: vocabulary Output: listening & reading Output: kanji
2 Output: vocabulary Output: listening & reading Output: kanji
100 min
1 Input Input Input
2 Input Input Input
After school: Homework Homework Homework

We offer the best Japanese language courses in the world.

All about GenkiJACS class levels

Information on the different levels we offer, including their equivalent JPLT/CEFR levels and the average time it takes to complete them. Please note the times mentioned here are an example, and should not be taken as standard for all students. To study with us, all students must be able to read hiragana characters.

  • Foundation 1

    JLPT: N5

    Can read and write hiragana and katakana. Can understand basic noun phrases and give a self-introduction. Can use basic verbs and time expressions to talk about daily life and past/future actions.


    Minna no Nihongo 1: Chapters 1-6   Average time to complete: 2-3 weeks

  • Foundation 2

    JLPT: N5

    Can use adjectives together with comparative phrases to describe their surroundings, views, and past experiences.

    Details:  Minna no Nihongo 1: Chapter 7-13    PRACTICAL KANJI 500 Vol.1: Chapters 1-2    Average time to complete: 3-4 weeks
  • Beginner 1-1

    JLPT: N5

    Understands verb groups and can smoothly conjugate verbs into -te, -nai, dictionary, and -ta forms, and use the correct forms and the phrases that should follow them depending on the situation, such as asking for permission, describing what needs to be done or is prohibited, and talking about experiences (or lack thereof). Understand the meaning of kanji that they often see in their daily lives, and read and write to some extent.

    Details:  Minna no Nihongo 1: Chapters 14-19   PRACTICAL KANJI 500 Vol.1: Chapters 3-7   Average time to complete: 4 weeks
  • Beginner 1-2

    JLPT: N5

    Learns to use different levels of politeness in Japanese depending on whom they are talking to. Can agree with others' opinions, and express their own opinions. Can describe people, places, and things in greater detail. Can explain how to use machines, how to get to a destination, etc. Can describe their hopes for the future while considering situations that may or may not actually happen.

    Details:   Minnano Nihongo 1: Chapters 20-25   PRACTICAL KANJI 500 Vol.1: Chapters 8-12    Average time to complete: 5 weeks
  • Beginner 2-1

    JLPT: N4

    Can explain reasons and circumstances and ask for advice and direction. Can describe in detail their own abilities and strengths and weaknesses. Can express the concept of two actions taking place simultaneously. Can shift focus to describe states or conditions of people or things they have seen. When describing the state of something they saw, they can explain how it became that way and why.

    Details:  Minna no Nihongo 2: Chapters 26-30   PRACTICAL KANJI 500 Vol.1: Chapters 9-15   Average time to complete: 3-4 weeks
  • Beginner 2-2

    JLPT: N4

    Can speak about their dreams and plans for the future. Can give accurate advice based on their understanding of another person's situation. Can understand and explain the meaning of signs and symbols seen around the city. Can describe the conditions that are necessary for something specific to happen. Can describe the decisions they would make under certain conditions and ask for advice and directions.

    Details:  Minna no Nihongo 2: Chapters 31-36   PRACTICAL KANJI 500 Vol.1: Chapters 16-20    Average time to complete: 4-5 weeks
  • Beginner 2-3

    JLPT: N4

    Can explain situations and facts from multiple perspectives. Can emphasize points they want to get across. Can apologize and express gratitude along with the reasons for them. Can express opinions, judgments, and actions taken based on concerns they have. Learns to make more polite requests to new acquaintances, superiors, and others.

    Details:  Minna no Nihongo 2: Chapters 37-42   PRACTICAL KANJI 500 Vol.1: Chapters 21-22   Average time to complete: 4-5 weeks
  • Beginner 2-4

    JLPT: N4

    Can describe what is needed to achieve future dreams or goals. Can make inferences about the nature or state of people or things, even without personally experiencing the same circumstances. Can describe choices and decisions made of their own volition. Can express their dissatisfaction or surprise at disappointing results. Can express their distrust in situations where their judgment differs from another's. Can explain that others have been forced, caused, or given permission to do what they are doing. Understands Japan's social rankings and degrees of intimacy and correctly uses the most polite level of Japanese.

    Details:  Minna no Nihongo 2: Chapters 43-50   PRACTICAL KANJI 500 Vol.2: Chapters 1-4    Average time to complete: 4-5 weeks
  • Intermediate 1

    JLPT: N3
    • Understands and write the meanings and idioms of N3 level kanji characters.
    • Understands most commonly used everyday language and texts written about areas of interest or relevance to them.
    • Understands the main points of familiar topics that tehy usually encounter at work, school, in their private lives, if used in a standard way of speaking.
    • Be able to deal with situations that are likely to occur in daily life.
    • Be able to connect words and phrases to describe fields that are of interest to them or related to them.
    • Write formal letters, simple articles, and letters to express their opinions.
    • They can discuss easy-to-understand news and social issues.

    Details:  QUARTET I   PRACTICAL KANJI 500 Vol.2: Chapters 5-20    New Kanzen Master Vocab. N3    TRY N3   Average time to complete: 20 weeks
  • Intermediate 2

    JLPT: N2
    • Understands and writes the meanings and idioms of N2 level kanji characters.
    • They can read about people`s experiences, and read interviews, novels, etc., and understand the main content of complex texts on specific topics.
    • In addition to everyday situations, they can listen to a cohesive and long conversation at a speed close to natural speed, understand the flow and content of a story, the relationship between the speakers, and grasp the gist of it.
    • They are fluent and natural enough to communicate with native speakers without being nervous about it.
    • They are able to create clear and detailed texts on a fairly wide range of topics, and explain their own perspectives on various subjects.
    • They can write interview articles, novel reviews, and essays.
    • They are able to discuss and present news and social issues.

    Details:  QUARTET II(Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills)   New Kanzen Master Vocab. N2    TRY N2   Average time to complete: 20 weeks
  • Upper-intermediate

    JLPT: N1~
    • Understands and writes the meanings and idioms of N1 level kanji characters.
    • Understands various kinds of fairly long texts with advanced content and grasps their implications.
    • They can listen to highly specialized and abstract stories and long conversations at a natural speed, and understand the flow, content, and logical structure of the stories in detail.
    • They can express themselves fluently and naturally without giving the impression that they are looking for words.
    • They are able to use flexible and effective language.
    • They are able to create clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex topics. It can be seen that they have mastered the usage of the words, connection expressions, and linking expressions that make up a text.
    • They are able to write treatises on social issues in specialized fields where they can express themselves in a clear structure on complex subjects.
    • Discuss and present on current affairs, social issues, and professional or abstract themes.

    • Details:  Authentic Japanese: Progressing from Intermediate to Advanced   Complete master Vocab N1    TRY N1   Average time to complete: 20 weeks

Average timeline to fluency

Beginner 0-1

16 weeks

Beginner 2

19 weeks


20 weeks


20 weeks


20 weeks


the rest of your life...

Teaching Philosophy

At GenkiJACS, we believe that good teaching is:

  1. Purposeful
    All of our lessons are structured to give you essential Japanese in a way so that you will remember it, and be able to use it yourself.
  2. Practical
    Lessons are focused on the skills and topics most useful to actually getting out there and becoming proficient in the language. Activities involve real-world situations, guest instructors, field trips and more.
  3. Professional
    All of our Japanese teachers are graduates of a 420-hour Japanese teacher training course at a recognized study institution, and have extensive experience teaching to foreigners. We don't just teach whatever comes up like some other schools; we follow a curriculum designed with the needs of English-speakers in mind.
And, as much as anything else, we believe lessons must be interesting! You can't learn if you're not engaged. Our materials and methods are designed to draw you in to the class, and to make any topic exciting.

Read what our students have to say about GenkiJACS!

The GenkiJACS method has been honed over several years to allow for the maximum retention of learned material, using techniques of rapid response, and real-world use of previously learned materials. For a demonstration of this method, see our example lesson.

Begin the journey of a lifetime. Speak Japanese, live Japan.

About Us

Accredited and award-winning Japanese school in Tokyo, Kyoto, Okinawa, Fukuoka, and Nagoya. Learn real-world, communicative Japanese in small, intimate classes. Kickstart the journey of a lifetime in Japan, or bring your existing skills to new levels.

Useful Pages

Head Office

Hakataekihigashi 1-16-23, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi 812-0013, Japan
Phone: +81 (0)92 472 0123
Email: [email protected]

Tokyo School

Hanazono Bldg 1BF, Shinjuku 5-17-6, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
Phone: +81 (0)3 6457 3554
Email: [email protected]

Okinawa School

Oroku 824-17, Naha 901-0152, Japan
Phone: +81 (0)75-353-0003
Email: [email protected]

Kyoto School

Hayashi Bldg 2F, Shimizuchō (Kawaramachidōri), 454-1, Shimogyō-ku, Kyoto-shi 600-8025, Japan
Phone: +81 (0)75-353-0003
Email: [email protected]

I.C. Nagoya

Meieki-Nagata Bldg 4F, Meieki 3-26-19, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-0002, Japan
Phone: +81 (0)52-433-3152
Email: [email protected]